Friday, August 19, 2011

Is that my cue?

So we had a minor scare today.  Thursday night and early Friday morning brought significant pain from early contractions resulting in a trip to the delivery hospital.  At the hospital, they administered a drug to treat the contractions which they think were Braxton-Hicks (false labor) contractions.  The hospital also administered steroids to help advance the lung development just in case the boys decide to make an early entrance to the big show.

By the end of the day, the hospital was pretty comfortable that the buns were going to stay in the oven for a while longer (we're hoping until at least after the Open House!) and that they were fine.  One small side benefit was that as part of the treatment, they did an ultrasound and both boys are doing great.  They are now 4 lbs-10 oz and 5 lbs estimated weight, which is great.

But, we're definitely starting to get opening night jitters!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Open House!

Well, we've set our Open House for Saturday, August 27 from 1:00pm to whenever.  If you have not received an e-mail invitation, please drop me a line and I'll add you to the e-vite.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hi! My name is...

So, we've settled on the boys names. We wanted names that were common, but not frequent. The boys will be Dexter and Spencer.  And yes, my brother has already asked us why we're naming one of our boys after a serial killer.  But we've never seen the show and like the name, so we're sticking with it.  It took a while, but we're very happy with the names.

So this weekend, we made a lot more progress.  Last week, we did most of the painting for the nursery (pictures coming soon) and this week, we made a lot of progress on furniture.  I got two cribs from Wal-Mart.  It turns out that we had many of the same concerns that the couple from the blog Young House Love had.  However, when I went to the Wal-Mart site, one of the biggest problems is that the crib they found uses a non-standard mattress size (smaller).  So, I selected the Modena model from the same vendor and they're perfect!  I built those and with some help from Bruce, Chris and Leila (THANKS guys!) we were able to get our old, very heavy (unfortunately, very little used) treadmill moved to the basement.  Whew! A lot of work, but that's the last major issue with the nursery.  Now, we're just hunting through our huge overload of decorations in our basement (use what you have) to decorate.  It's looking great.

Last, we finally registered.  Last weekend we spent about 4 hours at the Baby's-R-Us registering, going around the store and selecting items.  We often selected way more than we needed of some things and then didn't select other things because we had to do some research.  We spent the last week researching baby things and winnowed the list down (hard to believe with how much is on that list).

So, they're now 31.5 weeks and still growing like crazy.  We found out that they will schedule the C-section for 38 weeks since they are twins.  That means that one way or another, they will definitely be September babies (unless they come out early in August).  But they won't make it to their original due date in October.    But the doctor says everything is okay.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Today the boys are 30 weeks and 2 days gestation.  We had another ultrasound today (August 5) and got some surprising information.  The boys are growing VERY rapidly.  Baby A grew slightly more than normal.  Baby A was 2 lb, 8 oz 3 weeks ago and today measured 3 lb, 9 oz today, and has grown 17 oz in 3 weeks.  Normally they grow about 4 oz per week.  Baby A measures about average for 31 weeks and 2 days.  Baby B was 2 lb, 9 oz 3 weeks ago and today measured 4 lb, 1 oz and has grown 24 oz in that same  3 week period.  Baby B measure about average for 32 weeks and 4 days growth.   Both are very healthy.  The perinatologist said that if they were born today, the long term prognosis would be very good, so we're pretty happy.  Now we're just hoping that they'll stay in longer so that we can finish getting ready!

So, we did most of the painting of the nursery last weekend (thank you Beth and Charlaine for your help!).  We have a little more to finish up and hope to have the nursery and what furniture we have, ready by the end of this weekend.  We've ordered cribs and they're due within the next week.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New cast members

How to kick start our blog?  Well, the reason that I'm starting this is as a sort of diary of how our lives will be changing this fall.  As many of you have heard by now, Barbara and I are expecting twin boys.  The official due date for our boys is October 12, but as twins are frequently early, we expect them sometime between September 7 (35 weeks) and 21 (37 weeks).

We last had an ultrasound on July 14 and the babies were 27 weeks, 1 day old.  They were growing very well and were healthy being at the growth stage of average 28 week, 1 day old fetuses.  So they were 1 week ahead of average on the growth scale.  They've been active and growing quickly.  We have our next ultrasound this coming Friday, August 5, so look for an update then.