Friday, August 19, 2011

Is that my cue?

So we had a minor scare today.  Thursday night and early Friday morning brought significant pain from early contractions resulting in a trip to the delivery hospital.  At the hospital, they administered a drug to treat the contractions which they think were Braxton-Hicks (false labor) contractions.  The hospital also administered steroids to help advance the lung development just in case the boys decide to make an early entrance to the big show.

By the end of the day, the hospital was pretty comfortable that the buns were going to stay in the oven for a while longer (we're hoping until at least after the Open House!) and that they were fine.  One small side benefit was that as part of the treatment, they did an ultrasound and both boys are doing great.  They are now 4 lbs-10 oz and 5 lbs estimated weight, which is great.

But, we're definitely starting to get opening night jitters!

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